TagMaster supports HID Corporate 1000 Program
TagMaster North America, a Tacoma, Wash. provider of long-range RFID systems for automatic vehicle identification, has announced its support for HID Global’s Corporate 1000 Program, established to provide access control users with a 35-bit card data format developed and maintained for each individual end-user organization.
Customers aiming to standardize on a single card solution within their organization can now authorize TagMaster to purchase Corporate 1000 cards on their behalf from HID Global. Benefits for TagMaster customers include improved card security, compatibility with standard HID access control readers, and assured availability of the unique card format over the long term.
A dual short-range/long-range access card, while still compliant with the Corporate 1000 Program, is now attainable through TagMaster’s S1260 Combi Tag, a read-only, compact, semi-passive tag that combines long-range 2.45 GHz technology with HID proximity, eProx and iCLASS.
Additionally, a newly designed TagMaster MarkTag MeM duo that supports the Corporate 1000 program, is also available. A dual access tag that operates with improved signal sensitivity and extended read range capabilities, mounts anywhere on the dashboard, line-of-sight permitting.
To participate in the Corporate 1000 Program, end-users need to complete an HID Global Format Request and Authorization Form (designating TagMaster NA as their authorized reseller). Upon processing by HID, a Corporate 1000 Format number and facility code is established for the end-user, which TagMaster programs into the S1260 Combi Tag and MarkTag MeM duo.