Smart Card Alliance announces certification testing dates
07 May, 2010
category: Contactless, Digital ID, Government
The Certified Smart Card Industry Professional/Government (CSCIP/G) designation has been established as a new certification program through the Smart Card Alliance specifically targeting the government sector and security professionals.
With the U.S. federal government continuing to adopt more smart card technologies, the need for more comprehensive training about government smart cards is something the CSCIP/G is looking to address.
The training will include education modules and a certification exam on the fundamentals of smart card devices including smart card application and data management, smart card usage models, FIPS 201 and common identity, security and privacy requirements, PIV card issuance and lifecycle, FIPS 201, assurance levels, and federal PKI infrastructure.
The program is specifically designed for government professionals, contractors and security industry experts. The Alliance has already implemented the first two CSCIP/G exams, which will be held on June 29th and November 19th, 2010 in Washington, DC.