NIST test of fingerprint Match-On-Card Algorithms shows Sagem as superior
20 February, 2008
category: Biometrics, Government
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) recently released the results of the Minutiae Interoperability Exchange Test (MINEX) II Performance of Fingerprint Match-On-Card (MOC) Algorithms. The Sagem MOC performance was reported by NIST to be the “most accurate Match-On-Card implementation” of all participants and the only one to meet the standards for use in federal programs such as the U.S. Government’s PIV and TWIC programs.
“Our Match-On-Card algorithms not only exceed the MOC requirements for programs like PIV and TWIC, but also surpass the performance of most PIV compliant match on device solutions,” said Consuelo Bangs, FIPS 201 Program Manager at SMI. The full NIST MINEX I and II reports are available at and respectively.