NexID unveils smart phone liveness detection software
17 March, 2014
category: Biometrics, Digital ID
NexID Biometrics has released Mobile Live Finger Detection software aimed to bring liveness detection to fingerprint scanners in smart phones.
The software provides authentication rates as high as 94% to 97%. NexID developed the mobile software specifically for mobile devices. Due to the variety of fingerprint-scanning solutions on the market, the company designed the software to be technology agnostic so it could work with all fingerprint sensors and mobile devices, while achieving fast execution times and resource efficiency.
The Mobile software resides in a mobile device and detects whether an image captured by the device’s fingerprint sensor is detecting a finger from a living person or if it’s a fake or “spoofed” fingerprint.
Adding live finger detection enhances the device’s security and helps eliminate unlocking a phone or one of its applications that may contain confidential information. As evidenced with Apple’s iPhone 5S TouchID, fingerprint sensors are vulnerable to hacking without some form of liveness detection.
NexID will introduce Mobile LFD at the Connect:ID Expo, where company executives will discuss fingerprint spoofing techniques and fake finger detection.
NexID says its software can enhance the myriad of fingerprint ID solutions being developed by sensor manufacturers, mobile devices companies, and application developers. Fingerprint sensor companies can embed the software directly onto a sensor’s chip, and device manufacturers can add it to the main processor, all to provide customers with a convenient alternative to traditional PINs and passwords. NexID’s Mobile LFD solution can also be embedded in “trust zone” or trusted execution environment chip sets.
The Mobile LFD SDK will be distributed free for evaluation, solution integration, and testing purposes. NexID also offers professional services to assist with the solution integration process. Licensing and distribution agreements are negotiated separately.