ImageID introduces new technology to read damaged tags
22 September, 2008
category: RFID
ImageID, a provider of image-based supply chain solutions, announced DUAL (Detection of Unlabeled Asset’s Location), the only currently technology capable of detecting and indicating the location of untagged assets on a pallet. The reader enables the tracking of packages or other assets that have corrupted tags, tags that are hidden from view, or ones that are missing.
ImageID’s patent pending DUAL technology operates using advanced image processing software algorithms. DUAL detects the assets with missing or illegible bar codes, records their location and provides details on what was detected. ImageID’s Visidot Director uses this information in applications such as shipping verification, sequencing and scan-to-stock.
DUAL is the latest enhancement to Visidot, ImageID’s SCT solution, used to detect and decodes multiple bar codes simultaneously. DUAL enables Visidot to provide an onscreen image of the pallet, showing the location of missing or flawed tags.