idOnDemand, Directory Concepts team up to deliver One Identity on demand
03 August, 2010
category: Corporate, Digital ID, Financial
A partnership between idOnDemand and Directory Concepts could mean the streamlining of smart card issuance for buildings, computer login, electronic signatures, VPN and encryption management.
IdOnDemand’s One Identity on demand will now be included in Directory Concepts services, a company specializing in identity, security, access, and resource management. This collaborative effort will allow customers to bridge the gap between internal infrastructure and Infrastructure-as-a-Service with the implementation of Novell, Oracle, Microsoft and other identity management systems.
For example if a customer is onboarding/offboarding staff through their ID management system, the card production, revocation and management is programmed from a customer’s internal infrastructure to the idOnDemand system. This can connect the smart card issuance to multiple logins and/or secure access points from a secure single identity service, thus eliminating the further costs or security threats.