Heartland introduces card payment technology
25 May, 2010
category: Digital ID, Financial
Heartland Payment Systems announces the launch of E3, a new payment card product with end-to-end encryption technology. The E3 comes out of a two year project to improve the protection credit and debit cardholders receive by creating a system in which the vulnerable sensitive information of the cardholder is made useless to hackers.
The past two years have seen more than 650 reported case of security breach with payment cards. E3 features layers of security using both software and tamper-resistant hardware with the Advanced Encryption Standard of encryption (AES).
As part of the AES, the E3 encrypts all Track 1 and 2 data from the payment card’s magnetic stripe at the time of payment. At this time the data is converted from analog to digital and enters a merchant’s system as scrambled data. In this process the card number is never stored or passed along through the merchant’s network.
By making the card data unreadable the E3 has the ability to thwart cyber criminals from accessing card data.