Government agencies adopt PhoneFactor service
29 July, 2010
category: Digital ID, Government, Library
The newest clients to the PhoneFactor Inc. roster have been confirmed as the U.S. Department of State, the District of Columbia government, and the Federal Railroad Administration, and hereby increasing the level of secure authentication access to our nation’s sensitive data.
PhoneFactor, which services a number of other government agencies providing a critical second level of authentication for remote workers conveniently for end users and IT departments.
The PhoneFactor service does not require security tokens, instead a user would login to system and instantly receive a phone message where her or she is required to enter a code. This code would then grant access to the data. Other optional features include out-of-band SMS text authentication or voice biometric authentication.
National security professionals have an increasing need for a product that can allow them to securely access data anywhere in the world. Additionally, PhoneFactor has a built-in integration with every major VPN platform, such as Juniper, Cisco, and SonicWall, as well as web-based applications, like Outlook Web Access, boasting both durability and convenience to its clients.