Datastrip and Codebench help TWIC deployment
22 July, 2008
category: Biometrics, Corporate, Government, Transit
Datastrip Inc. and Codebench Inc. are helping seaports save money while tightening security. The two companies are offering ports a way to tie ports existing physical access control systems to new Transportation Worker Identification Credentials. The system already has been deployed at a port in the southeastern U.S., the companies report.
After obtaining a TWIC, the cardholders enters the port and has the biometric verified and certificate on the card validated, says Geri Castaldo, CEO at Codebench. Once validated another screen will appear offering to enroll the individual in the ports existing access control system.
If the individual is already enrolled in the ports access control system his proximity card or other credential is swiped and then tied to the TWIC and vice versa. An individual can also be enrolled in the ports system at this point as well.
While worker will have to carry around two different cards, this system is saving ports moneys because they don’t have to replace their existing systems.
The port in the southeast has deployed the system using Datastrip’s DSV2+TURBO, handheld reader along with PIVCheck Plus software. They are also using PIVCheck’s Certificate Manager that automatically checks for revoked certificates every 18 hours. It finds a revoked certificate all of the workers credentials will be automatically suspended.