Anakam to upgrade Equifax I-Card
11 January, 2010
category: Corporate, Digital ID
Anakam Inc. has been chosen to provide the Equifax I-Card with its Anakam.TFA Two Factor Authentication service. This service will make the Equifax I-Card the first of its kind to contain Level 3 authentication security, as states by the White House Office of Management and Budget.
Anakam’s two-factor authentication uses different channels to offer a variety of solutions for the secure authentication of users and customers. The company leverages existing devices such as cell phones, home phones, office phones, and voice biometrics to deliver a secure, one-time pass code that confirms that the person possessing the device is the one attempting to access the systems.
Since 2008 the Equifax I-Card has been assisting consumers and businesses conduct online transactions or verify identity. Now, combined with Anakam’s two-factor authentication, Equifax will be able to reach other audiences.
For Web sites that accept I-Cards, consumers can click-in without the need to type in a user name, password, or other personal information. The Equifax I-Card is designed to verify that a consumer’s identity is true, which can reduce fraud for online merchants, services and destinations. In addition, because the I-Card only works with trusted Websites, it diminishes the danger of phishing.