Cathy Tilton joins Daon as VP of Biometric Standards & Technology
01 March, 2006
category: Biometrics, Government, Transit
Industry veteran Cathy Tilton, chair of the BioAPI Consortium, has joined Daon, a biometric ID management company, as its vice president of standards and technology. Regarded as an industry expert in biometric standards, she recently contributed to the Registered Traveler Interoperability Consortium Technology Work Group tasked with making Registered Traveler recommendations to the Transportation Security Administration.
Cathy Tilton recently joined Daon as VP of Standards and Technology. Since October 1999 she has been the elected chair of the BioAPI Consortium and for the last three years she has been the head US delegate to ISO/IEC JTC1 SC37 (subcommittee on biometrics). She recently returned from the SC37 meetings in Kyoto where the US fielded 25 delegates across the 6 working groups that met.
Cathy has 25 years of engineering and management experience, including 11 years in the field of biometrics. She has a BS in nuclear engineering from Mississippi State and an MS in systems engineering from Virginia Tech. At the international standards level (ISO SC37), she is the project editor for ISO/IEC 19784-1, the BioAPI specification, which is currently in FDIS balloting (if approved, it will become an ISO standard in February). She is also the project editor of ISO/IEC 19784-3, BioAPI Lite, and is chairing a special group to refine the scope of this project. She is also co-editor of ISO/IEC 24741, a technical report on a biometrics tutorial.
Within INCITS (International Committee on Information Technology Standards), the US national body for biometric standards, she servs as the International Representative (one of 4 officers of the technical committee). She chairs the Ad Hoc Group on Biometrics in E-Authentication (AHGBEA), which is studying the secure use of biometrics in this environment. She also chairs a short-term ad hoc group on the use of BioAPI in support of tenprint capture.
She continues to chair the BioAPI Consortium, a group of over 125 organizations, that developed the original BioAPI specification (now published as ANSI INCITS 358-2002).
Cathy is also the nominated technical committee chair of the proposed OASIS TC on BIAS integration (Biometric Identity Assurance Services project.) She I initiated this as a joint INCITS/OASIS collaboration, pulling together the CEO of OASIS and the chair of the INCITS executive board to agree on the first-ever joint work. Cathy sits on the industry advisory board for the biometrics program of Purdue University.