ECDC relaunches StudentConnect, integrates with Twitter API
23 November, 2011
category: Education
East Coast Diversified Corporation has re-launched its StudentConnect platform, formerly known as SchoolsConnects, and announced a multi-phase implementation program beginning with integration of the Twitter API onto the StudentConnect Platform.
Integrating with Twitter’s API will enable StudentConnect to provide a global messaging platform for such event as Amber Alerts, inclement weather and other emergencies to parents and all appropriate stakeholders within the school system.
The platform provides parents, teachers, administrators and others concerned with a child’s safety a solution for monitoring anomalies or unusual events in children’s school schedule live, and in real-time using the combination of GPS and RFID wireless technology.
StudentConnect notifies parents, teachers, and administration staff when and where students get on and off a GPS/RFID enabled school bus, as well as when they enter school and arrive at their classrooms according to their individual school and class schedules.
Additionally, StudentConnect alerts parents, teachers and relevant administration staff if a student is not where he/she is supposed to be in real time based on pre-defined schedules.